Tandridge District Council are running a call for sites whereby residents, businesses, organisation and other stakeholders can submit sites that they would like to be allocated in the emerging Local plan 2023. The Council are specifically look at sites which are brownfield, land for Gypsy and Traveller pitches and plots for Travelling Showpeople as well as potential sites for housing, economic development, custom and self-build housing, leisure and tourism, biodiversity net gain and blue/green infrastructure. The information will be used to update Tandridge District Council’s Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (HELAA).

If allocated, sites are included within a specific policy in the Local Plan and development will be supported so long as it complies with other policies in the development plan. This is often a more streamlined and efficient route to obtaining planning permission for development on a site.

The emerging Local Plan has been in preparation since 2019 and the latest update is from September 2023 where the Planning Policy Committee voted to request a report from the Inspector setting out why the submitted plan is unsound and should not be adopted, instead of the other option the Council considered which was to withdraw the plan. We hope that this report is productive and enables the Council to make the necessary changes to the plan that will eventually help it become adopted.

The Call for Sites commences on the 5th February and runs until the 17th March. More information on the Call for Sites can be found on Tandridge District Council’s website.

A lot of our work is in Tandridge . We have a wealth of knowledge and direct local experience helping clients in the area. If you would like to submit a site, get in touch with our team to see how we can help.

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