We help a wide range of people and organisations secure the necessary permission or consent for their development.
We can confirm whether planning permission / consent is required for your works, and whether there is a realistic prospect of the application being successful. Our expert consultants can also guide your proposals to ensure that they are more likely to be approved, and provide the justification needed to get it over the line.
Based near Gatwick in Sussex, we are well placed to help with projects across London and the South East. We also take on projects further afield where our expert advice is needed.
We take on projects of all sizes, providing impartial and honest planning advise on your chance of success and the best way to bring your proposed development forward. With our partners, we can also help work out the best use of a particular piece of land financially.
Here’s a list of some of the types of applications that we help our clients with:
Outline planning applications
Reserved Matters applications
Full planning applications
Householder planning applications
Listed Building Consent applications
Conservation Area Consent applications
Advertisement Consent applications
Applications for Certificates of Lawfulness
Prior Approval applications
Applications to vary or discharge matters reserved by planning conditions
Tree works applications (Tree Preservation Orders)
Applications for Permission in Principle
Applications for Advertisement Consent
If you need help with any of the above, don't hesitate to get in touch.