Mid Sussex District Council have published their Regulation 19 draft District Plan 2021-2039 for consultation, which is intended to replace the District Plan 2014-2031 (March 2018). The draft District Plan reviews and updates the adopted vision and strategic objectives while implementing a revised strategy to guide growth during the plan period. It also provides updated and new policies which, if the Plan is adopted, would be used in the determination of planning applications across the District.

The policies relate to topics such as sustainability, the natural environment and green infrastructure, the countryside, the built environment, transport, the economy, housing, sustainable communities and infrastructure. It also allocates 19 sites for housing development (including specialist housing) to meet their identified need of 7,459 dwellings, and allotment provision.

Mid Sussex District Council are running a consultation on the draft District Plan which provides residents, businesses and other stakeholders with an opportunity to comment on any topics, policies or sections in the Plan before the Council submit it and any comments received, to the independent Inspector for examination. The consultation opened on the 12th January 2024 and will close on the 23rd February 2024.

Located within Mid Sussex, Squires Planning have a wealth of local knowledge and experience in the District. We are already preparing reps in relation to the plan and are ready to assist others with their submissions. If you require assistance, get in touch for a no obligation chat.

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