Reading Borough Council are updating their Local Plan. The Local Plan is used to determine planning applications in the Borough. The update will take account of recent changes to legislation, address the need for more homes, plan for associated infrastructure and ensure that sustainable development will help Reading to achieve its net zero carbon ambitions.

The Council are currently running a consultation on the scope and content of the Local Plan Partial Update where they have described how they expect to change each policy. The consultation enables the community and stakeholders to provide their thoughts on these changes which may affect how they are shaped through this review process. It therefore provides an important opportunity to make the thoughts of those affected by the plan known.

The consultation opened on the 27th November and will close on the 31st January. Further information about the consultation can be found on the Council’s website.

If you would like to form a response to the consultation or have a project in Reading that you require assistance with, get in touch with our team to see how we can help.

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