Surrey Heath Borough Council is gearing up to shape the future of development in the Borough with a new Local Plan extending up to 2038. This plan, containing crucial planning policies and site allocations, will serve as the blueprint for determining future planning applications once adopted.

The Council has now released the 'Pre-Submission' or 'Regulation 19' version of the Local Plan and is inviting public comments. This version is available for review from 12 noon on Wednesday, 7th August, until 12 noon on Friday, 20th September 2024. During this period, individuals and statutory consultees who have previously engaged in the Local Plan process are encouraged to provide their feedback.

Representations can be made on the Pre-Submission Local Plan, changes to the Local Plan Policies Map, and the Sustainability Appraisal. Comments should focus on the 'legal compliance' and 'soundness' of the Local Plan.

If you have an interest in the area, and would like to make a representation in relation to the plan get in touch with one of our planning consultants who can help you set out your points in the best way possible. 

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