
A small selection of projects Squires Planning has undertaken since the company was established in 2019. Remember, our planners have much more experience than what is listed here...
Bolney Valley

Client: Amphibian Scaffolding
Local Planning Authority: Mid Sussex

Squires Planning has extensive experience in assisting clients in obtaining retrospective permissions for developments that do not benefit from planning permission. The Bolney Valley case was no exception.

The site, measuring 4.02 hectares, is divided into three areas. The southern area is designated for residential use, with three dwellings approved in 2018. The central part of the site consists of a commercial yard, including a storage building that was constructed without planning permission. The northern area is dedicated to equestrian facilities, comprising a sand school, stables, and a riding track, all of which were also built without planning permission. Access to the site is through a slip road to join the northbound lane on the A23, making it particularly hazardous for larger vehicles entering and exiting the site.

Upon the Council's request, our client submitted applications to regularise the unauthorised works, which unfortunately faced delays. Squires Planning was engaged to assist in advancing these applications until a decision notice was received in July 2022 approving the equestrian facilities to the north. The application for the central part of the site needed to be withdrawn.

Subsequently, it came to light that additional works had been carried out without planning permission, including the culverting of a watercourse, recontouring of the land, and the removal of a substantial area of ancient woodland. These works were identified by the Council, and prior to enforcement action, we engaged in careful discussions with Mid Sussex District Council. We reached an agreement to prepare a comprehensive planning application encompassing all the unauthorised works and any future desired development. The focus of this application was to regularise works, facilitate the growth of Amphibian Scaffolding Ltd, and address some of the outstanding conditions attached to previous permissions on the site.

Squires Planning closely collaborated with the client and design team to develop a scheme that included the following elements:

  1. The creation of a Scaffolding Yard, including the change of use of the existing warehouse, erection of new warehouse, creational of formal yard and parking area.
  2. Creation of new woodland area and habitat.
  3. Extension to existing stable building and new muck heap.
  4. Previously authorised and extant development which still had conditions to be discharged.
  5. Existing unauthorised development, including the recontouring of land and culverting of the watercourse.
  6. Improvements to the public highway.
  7. Access and internal road improvements.

It was crucial that the scheme submitted outweighed the harm caused by the unauthorised works to the ancient woodland, landscape, and the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. The Council set a firm deadline for the submission of the application, and the design team diligently and collaboratively worked towards meeting it. Squires Planning acted as the project lead, ensuring that the scheme incorporated all necessary elements and that each input was provided promptly.

Upon submission of the application, we monitored consultee responses closely. We proactively and productively engaged with the Council to address any issues or concerns, working alongside the design team to make adjustments to the scheme or update supporting documentation as required. We proactively worked with officers at Mid Sussex District Council to overcome any concerns and the application was approved under delegated authority.

At the time of writing (May 2023) we are working closely with the design team to discharge conditions, enabling our client to commence and complete the works on the site.

This project serves as an outstanding example of how Squires Planning can assist in regularising unauthorised works, whether on a large scale such as this case or on smaller projects. Furthermore, this project allowed us to apply our expertise in commercial development, resulting in a superb outcome for our client, enabling their business to thrive in what the Council originally considered an unsustainable location for development.

Good Business Charter

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South East & London - 01293 978200

Thames Valley - 01793 570830