Client: Private
Local Planning Authority: Tandridge District Council
Constraints: Green Belt, Site of Special Scientific Interest
Our client had two small unused outbuildings within a heavily wooded area which were in degrading condition, and wanted to establish an optimal use for them or the site. The site was located in the Green Belt which limited development opportunities, as did the adjacent SSSI. The building's original use though presented an opportunity - as it was used for the breeding of tropical fish and therefore a commercial site.
After preparing a planning strategy and worked with an architect, energy consultant, ecologist, and arboriculturist to prepare a proposal for a single replacement dwelling. We prepared a Planning Statement demonstrating the development would be policy compliant, including policy relating to the Green Belt, and submitted the application to the Council.
We made the argument that the development would involve limited the "complete redevelopment of previously developed land", which is allowed in the Green Belt subject to compliance with other policy considerations. To make this argument, we needed to demonstrate that the buildings were commercial. We knew they were but there was limited evidence to support this assertion and Tandridge District Council requested evidence of this use. To demonstrate that they were in commercial use, we prepared Statutory Declaration which were signed by the previous owners of the site.
After some discussion, the Council accepted our argument that the buildings were in commercial use and therefore the principle of the development in the Green Belt was acceptable. They also accepted that the proposal would be policy compliant in relation to design, ecology, trees, access and parking, drainage and flooding, and sustainability.
The application was dealt with under delegated authority and we were able to successfully help our client in securing permission to remove the buildings and erect a two bedroom bungalow in their place.
The consultant team for this project comprised Squires Planning, Penton Architects, Arcadian Architectural Services Ltd, Arbtech and Usherwood Arboriculture
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