
A small selection of projects Squires Planning has undertaken since the company was established in 2019. Remember, our planners have much more experience than what is listed here...
Chartham Neighbourhood Plan

Client: Chartham Parish Council
Local Planning Authority: Canterbury

Squires Planning are instructed to assist the Parish Council, and the neighbourhood plan Steering Group, prepare a neighbourhood plan for the area. We are assisting with all elements of the plan including, but not limited to, the following:

  • • Providing advice in relation to planning policy/law/regulations.
  • • Project planning & coordination.
  • • Creation and maintenance of neighbourhood plan website & online document portal.
  • • Attending Steering Group meetings as required.
  • • Liaising with Canterbury City Council.
  • • Assisting and organising consultation activities and events.
  • • Liaising with statutory and non-statutory stakeholders.
  • • Advising on the required evidence base, preparing evidence and/or helping to appoint appropriate consultants to prepare evidence (including grant funded work via Locality technical support).
  • • Helping to drafting the neighbourhood plan and its policies.
  • • Helping to interpret consultation responses and updating documents.
  • • Assisting at examination.

Our primary role is to guide the Steering Group and Parish Council through the neighbourhood planning process, to ensure that they create a plan which meets the legal requirements (basic conditions), passes examination, and then is made following a successful referendum. 

Good Business Charter

Get in touch

Contact us for a confidential chat about your project. 

South East & London - 01293 978200

Thames Valley - 01793 570830