
A small selection of projects Squires Planning has undertaken since the company was established in 2019. Remember, our planners have much more experience than what is listed here...
Land North of East Street, Rusper

Client: Private
Local Planning Authority: Horsham

Squires Planning was asked to advise on whether the above site had development potential. Following a review of the site we then promoted it as a site for housing development with Horsham District Council. We are pleased to report that the site was included in the latest iteration of the plan, but unfortunately the plan has been delayed (outside of our control). Work is ongoing and we hope to continue promoting the site when work on the Local Plan resumes.


Good Business Charter

Stay in touch

Why not get in touch for a confidential chat about your project? 

South East & London - 01293 978200

Thames Valley - 01793 570830

Whatever happens, make sure you follow us:


The legal bit

© 2020 Squires Planning Ltd. Squires Planning is the trading name of Squires Planning Ltd. Registered in England & Wales, Company no. 11917764. VAT no. 322712632. Registered office is Home Farm, Purley on Thames, Reading, Berkshire, RG8 8AX.