
A small selection of projects Squires Planning has undertaken since the company was established in 2019. Remember, our planners have much more experience than what is listed here...
Andrew's Lane, Southwater

Client: Ranar Properties Ltd
Local Planning Authority: Horsham

Horsham District Council's planning enforcement team noticed that the approved dwellings on Andrew's Lane were not being built in accordance with the approved plans. A subsequent application to regularise the development had run into trouble when the highways Authority objected for a number of reasons. With the Council threatening enforcement action, Squires Planning were asked to assist and resolve the situation. 

At the point of instruction a number of planning issued existed and the development was not policy compliant. These included:

  • One dwelling had gained a bedroom, meaning car parking requirements for the site had increased. This was compounded by a dwelling loosing an integrated garage meaning the site physically could not accommodate the required amount of parking. 
  • Part of the site being removed from our 'developable area' as it was deemed to fall within the public highway.
  • The building's 'as built' location on the site further restricted the space available for parking.


Working with the existing project team, and bringing in specialist highways support when necessary, we addressed the planning issues one by one. An 'as-built' topographical survey was prepared to confirm the on site dimensions and this allowed a parking scheme to be designed which the Highway Authority and Local Planning Authority were content with (as it was no worse than the already scheme would have been if it were built as approved). Other issues relating to the alterations to the dwelling were also resolved.

When a retrospective planning application was submitted, the application was dealt with by officers and was approved under delegated authority. We were really pleased that we could turn this project around and resolve the issues which at the point of our instruction appeared insurmountable to many. 

The consultant team for this project comprised Squires Planning, Motion, Fulcrum Design & Decimus Designs.

Good Business Charter

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South East & London - 01293 978200

Thames Valley - 01793 570830