
A small selection of projects Squires Planning has undertaken since the company was established in 2019. Remember, our planners have much more experience than what is listed here...
Land Rear of Little Allens

Client: Private
Local Planning Authority: Tonbridge & Malling
Constraints: Green Belt, Conservation Area

Introduced to the project by Penton Architects, Squires Planning were instructed to help with our clients aspirations for the creation of a new dwelling. The site was in an elevated position with good views across a valley and comprised a cluster of equestrian buildings, ménage, access track and area of hardstanding. Our clients desire was to remove the existing stables and associated hardstanding area and construct a single storey two-bedroom self-build dwelling.

Given the site's location in the Green Belt the proposal met a significant policy hurdle and a strategy was devised, through active discussion with the LPA, to secure the desired dwelling for our client. A staged approach was required which saw planning permission being secured to convert the existing stables to two small dwellings before a subsequent application for the new dwelling.

At all stages we were closely involved in the design of the new dwelling to ensure that it would meet the required policy tests, led on discussions with the LPA, arranged and guided the preparation of other inputs as required, prepared planning statements, collated application submissions, submitted applications and then acted as agent through to determination. The planning application was approved under delegated powers enabling our clients to progress with the build.

Good Business Charter

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Contact us for a confidential chat about your project. 

South East & London - 01293 978200

Thames Valley - 01793 570830